Open House Display Boards — Revealed!

Through the super-complex method of emailing and asking politely, we’ve obtained a PDF of the current draft of the display boards which will be used at Thursday’s open house.

Based on our group’s previous experience with MDOT “open houses,” there will probably also be one or more boards or activities soliciting feedback (such as voting on options, providing ideas in sticky notes, etc), which were not included in these boards. We are encouraging participants to focus on written comments and feedback, since verbal conversations are ephemeral and not recorded in the project documents.

What’s the take-away? They are charging ahead with a study with three alternatives which would add a third lane… and ignoring the hilarious/sad contradiction between expanding a highway and local and state plans and policies for reducing GHG emissions, promoting transit, etc.


New Regional Climate Action Plan Calls for Transit and Active Modes, Not Freeways


What are these “Trains” you Speak of?