• Rob Goodspeed

    This website was created by 14-year Ann Arbor resident Rob Goodspeed. As an urban planning expert, I’ve read the research and decided to do something about a project in my neighborhood. I’m passionate about working for a brighter future for my children. Interested in getting involved? Reach out! rob.goodspeed at gmail.com.

  • Adam Goodman

    Adam is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and a resident of Ann Arbor for almost 20 years. He believes in a future where everyone has the opportunity to live in the neighborhood of their choice, and to access jobs, services, parks, and schools without having to depend exclusively on car ownership as their sole viable means of transportation. Michigan’s future prosperity depends on it!

  • Kirk Westphal

    Kirk is an urban planner, housing and transportation activist, and former Ann Arbor City Council member and Planning Commission Chair. He is a 20-year resident of Ann Arbor, all within earshot of US-23. Kirk is currently executive director of Neighborhood Institute, a pro-housing and safe streets organization.

  • Molly Kleinman

    Molly Kleinman is a policy researcher, cargo biking parent, and former chair of the Ann Arbor Transportation Commission. She fights to make streets safe for everyone, regardless of where they are going and how they are getting there. In addition to her day job, Molly co-hosts the Ann Arbor AF podcast, and serves as president of the Ann Arbor District Library board of trustees.

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